(Btw, I will not be using anyone's name on this thing..initials are good enough. I wouldn't want my friend's future bosses goggling them and reading random stories about them.)
So J hasn't started her blog yet...and I don't have any random pics of bad or even good fashion so you guys have to be happy with me talking about the fun day that I had yesterday...SORRY! Well, the picnic was great. I wore this zebra print maxi dress from H&M that was way too long for me. H put it perfectly when he said: Why did you buy a tall person's dress? lol It was PERFECT weather yesterday. Not too hot and a very nice breeze. I forgot how beautiful Central Park is:
But it was great. I got into a little tiff with someone who showed up later but I whatever...I had a grand time. This was basically our last get together before everyone starts school sometime next week. I start Wednesday...and I'm actually excited. I took a semester off...so I feel stupid for not learning in the last 8 months. Okay...sorry for ending on a school note but this first post is getting a tad bit long. So I will be updating soon, hopefully with some pics and funny stories. Bye!